

August 20, 2021

Explore Gujarat for wind and solar projects as Genesis Ray offers free trials

Genesis Ray Energy Site Suitability Module 01

An attractive complimentary access to the state of Gujarat to study its renewable energy sector to help make time-saving and cost effective decisions virtually.

SINGAPORE, August 20, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Genesis Ray Energy, a Singapore-based technology and data research Company in the energy sector recently announced an attractive limited period offer of complimentary subscription for the state of Gujarat. The company invites the officials of Gujarat state government, energy utilities, energy regulators as well as developers, consultants and investors across India and abroad focusing on Gujarat’s energy and renewable sector to use the offer and assess the tool in helping make risk-free, quick and cost effective decisions. The free trial can be requested at the link http://genesisray.com/request-trial/.

The offer has been launched to enable energy professionals to explore the tool on their own and gauge the breadth and depth of information layers that the tool provides.

Irfan Choudhry

“The offer has been launched to enable energy professionals to explore the tool on their own and gauge the breadth and depth of information layers that the tool provides. The offer will also aid in popularizing the usage of GIS for getting cutting-edge information and analysis at one-stop bypassing the need to depend on various sources. This saves crucial time and effort,” says Irfan Choudhry, CEO, Genesis Ray Energy.

Genesis Ray GIS-based tool called GenRay EXPLORER captures the entire spectrum of energy assets including coal, wind and solar projects as well as gas pipelines across south Asia and SouthEast Asia. Over the last few years, the company has been adding more layers of information and better ways of viewing and analysis of data to increase the tool’s value proposition to the energy industry professionals.

The company recently launched GenRay Site Suitability, a crucial module that helps renewable energy developers in collecting data on site suitability for greenfield projects. The new module has particular significance in the current Covid-19 times when extensive physical site surveys have become difficult. The tool enables a virtual desktop survey of sites on key parameters such as land use, soil bearing capacity, distance from transmission lines, infrastructure connectivity, slope analysis and natural hazard susceptibility. Used together with GenRay EXPLORER, Genesis Ray Energy’s premier tool that maps all existing and potential energy assets within a location, Genesis Ray tools now pack-up a distinctive edge in error-free decision making.

Gujarat was chosen as the region for the complimentary offer as it is one of the front runner energy states and a model state for energy development in the country. The state contributes 9 per cent to the energy requirement of India. It leads the country in per capita consumption of electricity. Progressive policies and effective governance has made it a power surplus state with 100 per cent electrification and quality power supply. Renewable energy has been growing at a CAGR of 9 per cent in the state to an impressive 10 GW today, contributing 13 per cent to India’s renewable portfolio. Much of the action in the gas sector happens in Gujarat as the state imports large share of LNG with formidable investments in gas infrastructure. More investments in energy sector are envisaged in the state in the near future.

GenRay EXPLORER currently covers assets of 650GW+ generation capacity, 38,500+ wind turbines, 465,000+ kms of transmission lines, and 35,000 kms+ of natural gas pipelines. Data from several primary and secondary sources is aggregated and cross-validated and optimized by running on various statistical tools, before placing on the GRE’s platform. GenRay EXPLORER can be subscribed online with a variety of pricing plans and product packages to suit different needs of the market segments.

Rahimah A Rahim
Genesis Ray Energy
+65 8809 4506
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Screen and assess the right location for Wind and Solar Projects with GenRay EXPLORER™