Site Suitability Analysis Data & Report

data & reports

Get site data and insights for solar, wind, or transmission projects, aiding site suitability analysis for optimal development

Genesis Ray utilizes ESRI’s ArcGIS framework and GenRay EXPLORER™ platform to create Site Suitability Reports using Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) methodology. This ensures accurate evaluations, offering actionable data and insights for optimal site selection across projects like renewable energy and infrastructure.


Information sourced from verified sources is meticulously mapped with precision to generate spatial layers


Comprehensively mapped Energy infrastructure and geophysical datasets for South and South East Asia

API-based Consumption

Consume our data in any proprietary or compatible 3rd party GIS applications

Any Format

Get desired data in multiple formats such as XLS, KML, KMZ or SHP over Sharepoint, FTP or Custom WebGIS App

What we do

site suitability data and reports for potential wind and solar development

Energy Infrastructure Report

Gain comprehensive insights with our detailed site suitability report covering neighboring power generation projects, grid infrastructure, and natural gas pipelines.
Site Selection using webgis

Site-specific Technical Report

Get detailed insights crucial for wind or solar plant site selection covering technical, economic, and risk factors
site suitability

Constraint Visualisation

Visualize unsuitable areas, identify ideal sites, and understand regulatory constraints for efficient renewable energy project development
site selection with webgis

Resource and Yield Estimation

Assess solar/wind resources, analyzing irradiance, wind speed to project generation potential for informed clean energy investments
site scoring, custom webgis

Site Scoring

Compare sites with standardized scores to factors like land use, surface roughness, and proximity to infrastructure, enabling informed decision-making
land records in gis interface

Land Records

Access government-sourced land records mapped onto areas of interest to enhance decision-making processes

Available data layers

Renewable Projects

Wind (including turbines), Solar (including modules) and Geothermal plants with their layouts and configurations

Power Projects

Conventional power plants with their layouts and configurations

Transmission Network

Transmission Lines, Substations and Transmission Towers (220kv and above) with related details

Land use Land Cover (LULC)

Bare Areas, Cropland, Grassland, Herbaceous cover, Shrubland, natural vegetation, Tree Cover, Urban areas, Water bodies etc.

Exclusion Zones

Defense restrictions, Airspace in & around aerodromes, Protected Areas, Waterways and Urban Settlements, etc.


Elevation (slope), Surface roughness and Soil-bearing capacity

Natural Disasters

Floods, earthquake and cyclone

Gas & LNG

Gas blocks and Gas processing plants, LNG terminals and LNG liquefaction, Gas pipelines network, Gas pipeline facilities, city gas network, and Gas consumers & industrial parks

In addition, you would also receive Genesis Ray’s scoring for site suitability factors to help you compare sites.

Identify opportunities and challenges to simplify siting decisions

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